Losing a parent: The thing kids never want to think about

We’ve all heard about Joan Rivers; the trailblazer, the writer, the comedienne, the cut up, the fashion police, the poster board for plastic surgery, the straight-no-chaser lady, the QVC lady, but the role that I admired the most was her role as a mother to Melissa. I don’t know these chicks, but when I heard she died, I immediately thought of Melissa. My heart when out to her. I was actually sad for her; she’s Joan’s only child. She just lost her mother. How does an only child deal with losing their last living parent?

I’m the only child, my dad died years ago, what would I do without MY mother?

The thought of losing a parent is a scary one, but losing your MOM? What is your life without your mother? Not one person reading this has thought about the day their mom would no longer be there. Maybe if she’s ill, it will at least enter your mind, but for most of us, for Melissa, Mom is up and about. A busy BEE with a full life that keeps her entertained and busy. She’s here for us when we need her when no on else is. When careers fail, relationships fail, when children are born, when good fortune comes our way, when we walk down the aisle; mom is usually there. During all the ups and down, she’s one of the only constants in our life. At least, the longest relationship you’ll have. She loved you before you took your first breath and you depended on her to nourish and care for you until you could do it for yourself.

Reading this post by Danielle, The Style and Beauty Doctor got me thinking about it some more. Quiet as kept, so should you. You’ll never be ready for it, but while you’re here, make it a point to thank her, listen to her, spend time with her, call her, make amends for any issues you may have had and most important, tell her you love her. That day will come, but isn’t it better to know that when she’s goes, she knew without a shadow of a doubt you loved her?

Scooter and Scooter's Mom
Me and my Mom

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