Sometimes you just know


Before I went to bed last night, I checked my trusty Mindbody Express app to get a look at how many folks would be in my 6:15 AM class. I was pleasantly surprised that it would be a full house, so I got to working on a challenging, but adaptable workout for the crew.

There is a method to my madness when I’m creating a workout. Although I don’t repeat many moves week in and week out, I do try to allow for strength progression that always manifests into other moves. As I was typing up my routine and setting my workout timer for the timed circuits, I felt like this would be one that folks would enjoy.

When I got there, I was really siked! My energy was on 10. Once of my favorite little powerhouses, Genevieve, was on the list and LOVES this type of stuff (WIN!). I knew she’d be as siked as I was. It was warm enough for sprints, so we’d be taking our cardio to the streets. (WIN!) and a few folks cancelled at the last minute, so there would be more room to move around and coach everyone one on one. (WIN!)

Never Give UP
Never Give Up

As the workout when on, folks were OWNING their movements; strong, determined, game face ON! It was pretty amazing to see. There were 2 moves in the workout that were going to be a bit different for most. I added more weight to the dead lifts and put some handstands in the mix. The guys had no problem with the dead lifts, but for the women, they’d never lifted this much weight before and I could sense their apprehension. As each one stepped up the the bar, I coached them on form, movement, hand placement and breathing. As usual, the first few reps are rocky, but as the reps and rounds came and went, each one had a little gleam in their eye. The eye of the tiger if you will. Genevieve was beasting those bad boys OUT! I had to clap and cheer as they dropped the weights and moved to the next exercise! They DID THE DAMN THING! The handstands got more upright too. Chins tucked, hands moved closer to the wall and they held it until the bell sounded. They took everything I threw at them and did it with power & determination.

I love being a fitness instructor. It touches a part of my soul that nothing else can reach. The camaraderie, the genuine willingness to work hard, the strength that increases week in and week out, the sweat and the accomplishment of each individual in the room gives me the greatest feeling. It’s hard to get up at 3:30-4:00AM and then have to work all day then gear up to teach some more after work. It’s not because of the money (but it helps) It’s the feeling that you’re doing something right. They’re there for your class. With all that is going on in people’s lives, they’ve made time to workout with ME! It’s a remarkable feeling and it’s something I do NOT take for granted.

As they cooled down, toweled off, cleaned their mats, racked weights, talked among themselves then bid their farewells, it felt right. Sometimes, you just know.

Good Friday: He did it to save me

Today is a special day on the Christian calendar and I wanted to drop a quick post to say, “I’m glad He did it for me!”.

Life is so complicated. We live in a time where hate and violence abound. If you’re not careful, the images you see and the words your hear will begin to turn on you; infect you, harden you, change you. Isn’t it great to have a savior, that through it all, my sins; known and unknown, spoken and thought are all washed away by the BLOOD. There is power in the Blood, in knowing that I’m worth something; I’m worth saving. Even though I may be unpopular, unconventional, and even unworthy of such a sacrifice, He still did it.

If I think times are hard and the pressure of the racism and xenophobia and sexism and violence are difficult to get from under or free yourself from, that is NOTHING compared to what HE suffered on this day, oh so many years ago.

If you’re not a believer in Christ, I respect that, but for me and mine, we are happy to say it and show it. I think it’s good to have a compass, something that you believe in that’s bigger than yourself. So many of us thing we are the end all, be all and I have chosen not to be that vein or self-center. Knowing that there is something greater than myself gives me something to look to, to work towards. I am a work in progress.

As we prepare for the gift of The Resurrection, I’d like to take this time to thank the Lord for the sacrifice. He thought I was worth saving.